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Birth Anniversary: From Scratch To Stardom Reflections On DG NIDS Prof. AO Sulaiman By Mohammad Abdulkadri, ANIPR



Birth Anniversary: From Scratch To Stardom Reflections On DG NIDS Prof. AO Sulaiman By Mohammad Abdulkadri, ANIPR

He is a Pan- Nigerian of note and a bridge builder whose friends cut across the South, North, West, and East, irrespective of creed, tribe, race, and political leanings.

OCTOBER is undeniably a historic month for the most populous Black Nation on earth, Nigeria.

The symbolism of the Country’s month of Independence, October, is symptomatic of shared destiny with one of her citizens of over two hundred million population who has carved a niche for himself as one of her greatest human capital asset in the hall of fame.

That extraordinary nigerian who shares the nation’s Independence month as his birth anniversary, every 16th of October, is the enigmatic, pragmatic and charismatic Director General, National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies, NILDS, Professor Abubakar Olanrewaju Sulaiman.

No wonder Professor Sulaiman believes patriotically and consumately in Nigeria.

It’s, therefore, not out of reason to reason that sharing the same month of anniversary with Nigeria by this great Nigerian is not by accident of birth. It’s also not by happenchance but God’s own testimonial for the role Professor Sulaiman is destined to play, which he has been playing in the chequered history of the country.

He is a Pan- Nigerian of note and a bridge builder whose friends cut across the South, North, West, and East, irrespective of creed, tribe, race, and political leanings.

The Ilorin born erudite scholar whose trajectory is in service to the country had a humble, simple, and spartan-like discipline beginning that shaped his later life’s character which is dotted by piety, simplicity, humility, hardwork, generosity and propensity for leadership.

For instance, Kwarans will not forget so soon how history beckoned on Professor Sulaiman in 1993 to courageously damn the consequences of challenging the political statusquo by his resolve to contest the Chairmanship of Ilorin West local Government Area.

At that time, such audacity effrontery and boldness to dare the demy-god and the political kingpin in election was considered a mere impossible mission within his own Constituency in Kwara state

The man of destiny since 1993 continued to remain, a decidarantum in the political chessboard of the state as he continues to provide quality leadership for his teaming followers under the aegis of AMANA.

He is indeed a classical definition of what can be described as a self-made individual who, through thick and thin, took his destiny into his own hand. Little wonder then, he successfully navigated the labyrinths between getting enrolled in Western education to become an educated elite or to toe the path of his father to be a full-fledged Sheikh. Professor Sulaiman chose both and rose to become a mallam and a distinguished professor.

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A feet in western education many had earlier considered unattainable by son of a prominent Lagos based Islamic Scholar, Imam Abubakar Sulaiman whose preference and adherence to Quranic education in grooming the young Sulaiman to take over from him as a Mallam and Imam was to the patriarch, a most befitting for him and the family.

The young Sulaiman finished his Quranic education early in life. He proceeded to take the bull by the horns in academuc pursuit up to when he graduated in Bsc, Political Science in1990 at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, to Ph.D level and capped his educational journey to become an outstanding Professor.

In the sphere of academics, Professor Sulaiman has raised the bar Nationally and internationally to become a moving encyclopedia of dispenser of knowledge. With over two decades of lecturing and researching in the Ivory Tower.

As a University Don, no one disputes the fact that he is a professor of professors and teacher of teachers.

His scholarly Pedigree has conferred on him a modicum of tested, trusted and esteemed stamp of Authority of an accomplished writer, teacher, and researcher that makes the academic giant a man of class and distinction in the fields of Political Science and International Relations.

Professor Sulaiman’s phenomenal achievements in academic odyssey crystallised into his Strategic appointment as Minister of National Planning in 2014 under President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. As a key member of the Federal Executive Council, FEC, his tenure berthed the Formulation of the National Integrated Infrastructure Master Plan (NIIMP) and Crafting of Comprehensive Overseas Development Assistance Policy for Nigeria among his indelible footprints on the sands of time in the Executive Position.

After paying his dues as Minister, Professor Sulaiman, by dint of hard work and uncommon sagacity, was first appointed in 2019 as the Director General National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies,NILDS.

Tracking his uncommon movements in leadership positions from academic to executive position and now to the Legislative Arm of government portyed the proficiency, efficacy, and clinical efficiency of this great human capital asset to Nigeria.

To his enviable credit, Professor Sulaiman in 2023 was reappointed for another term of four years after proving his mettle in transformational leadership style. No doubt his administration at NILDS is enhancing the capacity of the Federal Legislature and the Parliamentarians at sub-nation’s levels.

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Under his watch, NILDS had institutionalised : “Digitalisation”, “Distinguished Parliamentarian Lecture Series” (DPLS) and completed the World-Class Permanent Site for the Institute.

In recognition of his invaluable contributions to the development of the nation’s Public Service Sector, he won keenly competed 2023 ” Integrity and Public Servant of the year award and also won the 2024 Bureau of Public Service Reforms,BPSR, the presidency, as “Distinguished GovTechTrailblazer” award while NILDS bagged “Best Federal MDA in Digital Engagement” Surely, the long lists of his awards are in exhaustible.

Inspite of his accomplishments in the three critical spheres of strategic services to the country, Professor Sulaiman remains a humble servant, as gentle as a dove, as Cool and calm as Cucumber, as unassuming as God-sent messiah and as a silent achiever like a drum filled with water whereas it’s the empty drum that makes so much noise.

Hate him or like him, the workerholic digital Director General NILDS is never encumbered by day and night in working round the clock, rendering quality selfless service to the country without getting distracted by frivolities.

Those who are working with him, including this writer are always amazed by his indefatigablity, resilience, proactiveness, calmness under pressure, and presence of mind under challenging and sensitive demands of his exalted position as a highly Cerebral Chief Executive of a World Class status.

One unique thing that defines this great Nigerian’s character is his unusual act of generosity and natural philanthropic disposition. A trait that propelled him to invest virtually his hard-earned sweat and wealth in empowering the youths educationally. For instance, annually, he funds Summer Lessons in the three Senatorial Districts in Kwara State, awards scholarship and pays for JAMBS for thousands of students in post Primary institution towards furthering their education in addition to helping them to secure admission into various universities.

Professor Sulaiman finds greater satisfaction and true joy in championing the course of humanity by giving hope to the hopeless voice to the Voiceless and strength to the weak in the society.

Professor Sulaiman, in his capacity building efforts to empower the youths, had surpassed people’s expectations, Imaginations and permutations by taking many of them out of the streets roaming aimlessly and joblessly. History will be kind to him for raising the leaders of tomorrow in various fields and supporting their aspirations to grow into responsible and responsive citizens of this country.

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Fixing people for various categories of jobs to decongest umployment markets are among other philanthropic mandates of Amana Foundation of which he is the founder and chairman.

His philantropism has endeared him to the hearts of numerous mentees and beneficiaries of this large hearted gentleman, which cut across tribes, religeous, ethnis, and geographical boundaries.

Creating job opportunities for the youths and helping them financially and educationally can’t be estimated or quantify in numbers or measurable monetary terms. Kudos to a job creator, mobilizer of youths empowerment, and “Mr Fix it” Professor Sulaiman.

Professor Sulaiman’s foray into politics goes beyond being an accomplished political scientist. A myopic and parochial reasoning being peddled in some quarters. Yes, his being a political scientist will surely make a sharp difference in running a knowledge-based and expertise-driven governance.

Politics is in his DNA not for personal grandstanding, razzmatazz and for personal aggradizment but his ambition to lead is borne out of resolve to berth a new Kwara for Kwarans intandem with the aspirations of the founding fathers of the state.

Reflecting on the life of this political “Game Changer” in service to the community, the state and the Nation on the occasion of his birthday anniversary is my modest attempt to celebrate, a Cerebral administrator, a great capacity builder, a super benefactor, a transformational leader, a polical juganut,iconic community leader and highly sought after celebrity.

From scratch to stardom in the life of an exemplar, a colosus, urbane, and large-hearted administrator is work in progress requiring further research. I can’t, therefore, claim to have exhausted everything that the readers need to read about this transformational servant leader of high class and calibre.

Congratulations to the man of the people at 59 and still counting. A servant Leader. A Community man par- excellence and a man with messianic Midas touch on this memorable occasion of his birthday.

Wishing Professor Abubakar Olanrewaju Sulaiman many more years of impactful selfless service to the country, kwara state and Ilorin Emirate.

Abdulkadri,ANIPR.Writes from Abuja.

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