Farmgate Scandal: South Africa President Ramaphosa Faces Threat Of Impeachment
The money was hidden “under the cushions of a sofa in a little-used room
The South African government has announced that it will take action against the country’s president, who has been caught up in a scandal, after the publication of a parliamentary report that could lead to his impeachment.
President Cyril Ramaphosa “may have committed” violations and misconduct, a parliamentary committee charged with investigating the murky burglary affair that has embarrassed the president ahead of an election crucial to his political future concluded in a report released late Wednesday.
AFP reports that the ruling African National Congress (ANC) meets in mid-December to choose its next leader. Whoever emerges victorious will become head of state after the 2024 general elections, if the ANC, wins the election.
In the wake of the report, which has clearly stunned the Ramaphosa camp, the party’s all-powerful National Executive Committee (NEC) has announced an emergency meeting.
So far, the internal voting process seemed to be running smoothly. The announcement by the party last week of only two candidates in the running for its presidency had somewhat dampened the suspense. With Cyril Ramaphosa well ahead of his former health minister, Zweli Mkhize, the road ahead seemed clear.
The president now hangs on the decision of parliament, which meets in extraordinary session on Tuesday to examine the report’s recommendations, which it is not obliged to follow but which could lead it to initiate a process for a vote to remove the head of state from office.