Executive Director Of Rising Child Foundation To Speak At 2022 United Nations High-Level Political Forum
Taibat tremendous contributions to education research works in various scenarios earned her the title “Education-for-Youth enthusiast”
The Nigerian member of the Young People’s Action Team (YPAT) of Generation Unlimited, Taibat Hussain, has been scheduled to speak to the United Nation Member States as well as representatives from Civil Society Organizations at the UN High-Level Political Forum on Education Financing.
At the UN July 2022 intergenerational dialogue, the HLPF will host extensive reviews of five (5) Social Development Goals (SDGs); Quality Education (4), Gender Equality (5), Life below Water (14), Life on Land (15) and Partnerships for the Goals (17).
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To feed into the UN Secretary General’s Transforming Education Summit in September; to reflect youth voices in the conversation on education transformation; and to highlight youth’s action in encouraging education investment, the HLPF has themed its 2022 dialogue as “Financing the Futures of Education”
Education research adroit, Taibat Hussain who is reputable both nationally and internationally for her thorough and transnational exploration in charitable and development organization is said to be in the best tune to speak on Education Financing.
Taibat tremendous contributions to education research works in various scenarios earned her the title “Education-for-Youth enthusiast”. This is evident in her analyses on data bothering on solutions to the challenges associated with “education and work” for young people in light of Covid-19.
During the session, the nucleus of Taibat’s discussion will be to harness the strength and innovativeness of the the young people in developing educational systems that put into consideration factors hindering educational development, particularly in the developing and under-developed world.
She will highlight the impacts of the YPAT member from different regions, expatiating how the youth groups across genders and tribes are engineering development in education and other sectors.
While answering questions on her areas of interest, Taibat said she enjoys focusing on topics of education, work, women advancement and grassroots development. “I have written on issues of my interest and I have proven strength in analyzing inherent emerging challenges while developing efficient solutions” she added.
Host of other people co-speaking at the event are Ken Paolo, GPE Youth Leader, Philippines, Frank Kofi Owusu Debrah of Rotary International, Ghana, Margarita Focas Licht, the CEO of GPE Deputy, Samanjar Chowdhury, GenU YPAT Bangladesh, Tumisang Thabela, the Permanent Secretary of Zimbabwe Ministry of Education, Giovanna Basso of Restless Development from Brazil and Chido Mpemba, of AU Youth Envoy.